
Will I receive social security benefits if I am admitted to Germany under the federal admission programme for Afghanistan?

03.05.2024 - Question

With a residence permit as defined in section 23 (2) of the Residence Act, if you are in need of assistance you can receive social security benefits under Book II of the German Social Code (basic cover for jobseekers) or Book XII of the German Social Code (basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity or cost-of-living assistance) to the same extent as German nationals.

The social security benefits consist of a lump sum (money), among other things for food, clothing, household goods and personal needs (standard needs). Requirements for housing and heating are also taken into account. In the first year, accommodation requirements are covered in full. Thereafter, accommodation requirements will only be covered insofar as they are reasonable (maximum limit depending on the number of family members and local conditions). Needs for special (e.g. during pregnancy) or one-off situations (e.g. for the initial equipping and furnishing of your home) can be approved.

What is more, you can receive payments for education and participation for children, adolescents and young adults.

You will receive these payments provided your own income and assets are insufficient to cover your necessary living costs. If you have your own income or assets, you may be granted other social security payments (housing benefit, child supplement, etc.).

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